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Brand USA x Planny Drive Case Study

Enhancing traveler engagement with Planny Drive's CMS


Planny Drive is a cutting-edge tech startup that partners with Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) worldwide to revolutionize how travelers plan and experience their trips.  Planny Drive’s Content Management System empower DMOs to create impactful content with zero manual effort. Planny Drive provides a customizable platform tailored to the specific needs of each destination, free from the influence of sponsored ads commonly found on Google, TripAdvisor, or other platforms. With Planny Drive, DMOs have the flexibility to choose and feature the cities, areas, activities, and restaurants they want to highlight on the homepage. By integrating advanced AI-driven insights, Planny Drive helps DMOs enhance traveler engagement, streamline content management, and provide hyper-personalized experiences.

Brand USA white-label trip planner

Planny Drive has partnered with Brand USA to enhance traveler engagement and trip planning across the United States. This collaboration leverages Planny Drive’s AI-driven technology to provide personalized travel experiences, significantly boosting user interaction and satisfaction.



Enhance traveler engagement: To provide travelers with a seamless and personalized trip planning experience.


Increase user engagement: Boost interaction on the Brand USA website.


Increase economic growth: To drive tourism and economic benefits for various destinations within the United States.


Data-Driven decisions: Utilize analytics to refine marketing strategies and improve user experience.

Key insights from Planny Drive

Planning trends: Data revealed that many travelers start planning their trips 3-4 months in advance, with significant spikes in traffic during this period.

Engagement metrics: The AI trip planner significantly boosted engagement, with an average engagement rate 8 times higher than traditional content sites.

Content interaction: Activities such as visiting zoos, museums, and city attractions are often done spontaneously, while events like concerts and sports are typically planned months in advance.

Significant boosts in pages per visit and average visit duration, with metrics showing +500% pages per visit and +600% average visit duration.

The average session duration increased to over 9 minutes per user.


The collaboration between Planny Drive and Brand USA showcases the power of AI-driven personalization in transforming traveler engagement and destination promotion. By providing a robust and flexible solution, Planny Drive helps DMOs and tourism boards enhance their digital presence, drive destination discovery, and achieve sustainable economic growth.


What our customers are saying about us?

Mark Lapidus

Vice President, Content & Marketing Technology at Brand USA

“Brand USA selected Planny Drive after a competitive RFP process.  The product is performing well and we’re impressed with the enhancements Planny continues to make to the planner.  We really enjoy working with the Planny team.”

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